Thursday, 17 December 2015

Want to know about IPRN?

IPRN (international premium rate numbers) are the telephonic numbers which are used mainly for payment but less for doing communication. Just like the domestic numbers such as 0900, IPRN numbers are used by the callers to pay for the services that have rendered via TV, phone or online. The most common distinction is that, domestic PRN are used in the specific country, but international numbers work internationally.

You would be in little confusion that how these numbers are used? It’s very simple, international or multinational advertising, it’s not possible to show 60 different DPN, over the screen, but the problem can be solved by the one IPRN number. If seen technically, the IPRN is regular telephone number used in a country which have great interconnection fee that are very expensive to make the call.  Perhaps, telecom companies make a contract with the mobile carrier or national carrier so that the revenue generated from such numbers or calls can be easily forwarded to our system.

IPRN is unique

The IPRN solution has shown a great way in business and media companies to generate the good revenue in their product and services. Many countries like the Middle East, Asia and Africa do not consist of DPR, which are useful for such type of activities.

Though it’s very important to have the IPRN, which means one particular number can be used by the callers in all around the world. It is also used for “premium number billing” to receive the revenues from countries that do not have billing possibilities, where the credit cards are not used.

Get with premium rate lines

PRTN is the latest buzz. You might be well aware of this term, the most important part of this service helps you to enable good sum of money. It can even help out to earn large amount each day.

In premium rate lines, the callers are charged above the normal rates just for the simple call. Moreover, the monthly phone bills get proportionally share between
  • Service providers
  • Network providers
  •  Information providers
Since, the reason behind the premium rate is often adaptable by the market today. The IPRN provides the great services to the clients and users such as:
  • Easy to set the numbers
  •  Managing the account in real time
  •  Edition of voice content
  •  Becoming of reseller and much more.
Premium numbers do have many great benefits and are highly used by the companies that are linked to the specific codes and links.  When the number is provided for the billing or any concern the customer has to pay for each and every set of calls to their service provider. Premium numbers are today, provided to different types of business like in quiz contest, TV shows and more which help in receiving the funding through calls, or SMS being done by the users.

Most of the companies are running the IPRN business that enable to create and provide good network, and services to their providers where the domestic premium numbers is not available for any of the reason.  

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